Our native plant nursery

Replanting of native species is hugely important to the river’s health

Plants help stabilise the river bank, filter excess nutrients, and reduce water temperature. This in turn helps to prevent algal growth and increases oxygen in the water, crucial to the river’s aquatic life.

Our native plant nursery is a community resource providing advice, practical help and subsidised plants so that more people can join in the effort to replant and regenerate Te Wairoa.

Nursing new growth

Our native plant nursery is situated at 33 Clevedon-Papakura Road behind the greenshade-cloth.

Each year we grow over 3,000 plants from eco-sourced seed for restorative planting in Te Wairoa.

Our plants are hardy and will grow well in local conditions. Most of the plants that we stock are first-stage coloniser species which provide fast coverage beside waterways and over steep land.

We love to encourage volunteers and regularly run volunteer sessions where locals help out and learn plant skills.


We recommend planting in autumn, winter and early spring when rainfall is more reliable and the ground is moist.

We organise workshops throughout the year to teach practical skills that will equip you to grow plants from seed. One of these is on setting up your own home nursery.

Photos: Jodie Little, Stephen Nicholson, Tony Thompson, Brendan Vallings


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